Hot, hot summers. Not only do temperatures rise during summer months, home sellers have an opportunity to take advantage of a busier market. Families buying a home tend to buy during summer months to avoid uprooting kids and having to change schools. People have more time and better weather to shop for homes in Austin. You can be a bigger winner by preparing your house for a summertime sale in Austin.
Get That Grass Green
The spring is the time to make sure your grass is strong and healthy for the hot summer months. Think about weed control and talking to your yardman about those brown spots that affect even healthy lawns in [maket_city]. Give trees and shrubs a hard prune, giving them a chance to fill back in without being overbearing for summer showings.
Think about plants and grown cover that is colorful and does well in dry summer months. Prepare the landscape for the summer to make it easier to grab buyers with amazing curb appeal. Feed the landscape with the proper fertilizer and fix any sprinklers or drip systems to make sure everything gets the water it needs during the hot summer months.
Service HVAC and Seal Windows
When it’s 100 degrees out in Austin, nothing says, “You’re home,” better than walking through a front door being greeted by the wave of cold air. Buyers love this and will point out how well the home has been maintained. You won’t get this reaction if your air conditioner isn’t working efficiently or your windows are letting all the cold air escape.
Use the spring to get the systems serviced, whether an entire HVAC system, split ACs or other central air systems. Clean filters and vents to ensure the air is flowing freely throughout the house dust free. Make sure all ductwork is sealed at connections. Even newer air conditioning units need love to make sure they are functioning efficiently.
Spring Clean for Clutter-Free Showings
Nothing says spring like a yard sale, right? Even if you aren’t the typical yard sale type, if you are planning on selling your home in the summer, consider the spring cleaning period as a way to remove clutter and pick up a few bucks to help with items like servicing the air conditioning unit.
Sell things you don’t want but are still in good working order. Call the donation truck to pick up the rest to make your life easier. Toss out what doesn’t work anymore or is otherwise broken. Not only will doing this make your eventual move easier, but it will give you the chance to really show your house off properly.
With less “stuff” in the house, cleaning is easier. Painting a room is less daunting and you can see the little things that might need to be fixed that were hiding behind clutter before. When living spaces have more space, staging is easier. Good staging is a key component of selling a home quickly and for a great price. The earlier you start the spring cleaning process, the better position you’ll be in for your realtor to do a pre-listing walk through to finalize pricing and other details.